Cutting Silhouettes at Historic Houses in Maine This Coming Weekend!

Historic Silhouettes, silhouettes by Leona, York Village in Maine

I am excited that I will be cutting silhouettes again soon!  And at historic houses!  My favorite places to cut silhouettes!

This Friday, Dec.6, 2013, I will be cutting silhouettes at Sarah Orne Jewett House in the middle of South Berwick, Maine! They will be offering tours for free as a part of South Berwick's Home For The Holidays Celebration, and I have been happy to have been a part of that for the last couple of years.  Also on Saturday morning, Dec.7 from 10 am to 2:30 I will be cutting silhouettes at a Christmas Tea at Jeffer's Tavern which is part of Historic York Village in York, Maine! And in the afternoon from around 3  pm to 6 pm I will be back at Sarah Orne Jewette House in South Berwick, cutting silhouettes again! What fun!

Historic Houses are such a wonderful place to do silhouettes and I'm happy to say that I've been able to present silhouettes at quite a few of them  since I started doing silhouettes. 

Silhouettes,Traditional dress, Historic York Village, York, Maine

Silhouettes, historic York Village, Maine
Silhouettes by Leona, hand cut portraits in silhouette
I enjoyed cutting silhouettes at the docent program in 2012

 A few years ago I was asked to cut silhouettes as part of a program at historic Beauport house in Gloucester, Mass. They had a slide show and a speaker who gave a wonderful talk on the history of silhouettes. After the talk I cut everyone's silhouette, and then we were taken on a tour of the historic silhouettes in the house. We put on the funny shoe covers and enjoyed looking at the silhouettes in their collection. I think there may have been over 60 silhouettes or more hanging throughout the house!
Silhouettes, Hand cut, Beauport House, Gloucester, Mass., historic
This lady was patient while I cut her silhouette at Beauport House in Gloucester, Mass. in 2011.

Silhouettes, Beauport, Mass
One of the silhouettes in the collection at Beauport.
Historic Beauport House, Mass
Me cutting silhouettes at Beauport house
in Gloucester, MA


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