Finding space to work and how to make bats look nice?

"Bats fly in the sky when the sun goes down" says Jamilla's mother.... "Zip, zip, the bat flies, in a shape like an '8'....." Challenge: How to find room in my little bitty but cute house to spread out my sketches as I work on my new illustration project- Jamilla Does Not Want A Bat In Her House, for the Baha'i Publishing Trust? I have some space in the office I share with my hubby, and I'm used to drawing on a drawing board on my lap, but in this case I need to spread out now and then, just to see the progression of things! Soooo, I cleared off my beautifully long kitchen counter and yahoo! I have a great space to work on! No problema! Also another question I've had is to how to illustrate a children's book that includes a bat, without making it look too halloweeny. So I googled up images of bats and am working on it! How cute is my bat? Another challenge that I'm imposing on myself is that I want to...