November is Children's Picture Book month and Adopt a Senior Dog Month!

November is Children's Picture Book Month!! Find out more about it here:

Illustration Friday, Illustration, Children's Art
Monkey Girl
Here is my latest Illustration Friday submission. I always enter my subnissions under Style as children's Art! The Theme this week is: Tails. I've been wanting to work on illustrating more animals, since I am always doing people, so I thought I'd do a monkey girl with a very long tail!

Speaking of Tails! Did you know that November is also Adopt - a- senior- dog month? Find out more here!

Here are a collection of my dog Silhouettes that I've done over the past few years. Leona's Silhouettes, Dogs Some were done from photos, and some were done on the spot from life at festivals. I have to say that the dogs are getting better at standing still or I've gotten faster and better at silhouetting dogs in person!
Silhouettes by Leona, Dogs

Silhouettes by Leona, Dogs

Scotties, dogs, silhouettes

custom ,hand cut, silhouette,dogs

Silhouettes by Leona, dogs


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