The Cutting Edge of Silhouettes!

Charles Burns, an amazing silhouettist from England talks about the silhouette cameo or  bust-length portrait, originally known as shades that were popular all over England and early American during the Georgian and Regency periods. You can find interesting bits of history mixed in with his wonderful silhouette cutting, including some full length silhouettes at his blog. I've only done a  full length silhouette of a bride so far, but hope to do more in the future!

A silhouette of a baby I cut at The Shaker Village in Alfred, Maine last wekend!

When I start cutting a silhouette I always start with the bottom right hand edge of the profile and work up to the face, forehead and the top of the head, Then I jump back down to the bottom and cut across to the left and then proceed up the back of the head, finishing the hair. I then make any extra cuts for details in the hair or anywhere else! 
I always add eye lashes, even if I can't see them when I'm cutting ! I include eyelashes even on the boys only shorter. It adds interest to the face.

I always cut glasses as a negative shape. Its very effective!
"And just how do I cut glasses ?" you ask!

I've decided to display some silhouettes unmounted in a clear plastic bag so that people can see that I'm working with paper! Sometimes when I'm at a festival and people look at my samples, they ask if it's paper or painted.

Another silhouette of a girl, cut at the Shaker Hill apple Fest. 2013!

A family that finds me at Strawberry Festival each year in South Berwick!



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