This is a thank you card design I worked on at last years Spirit of Children's Literature Conference at Green Acre Baha'i School in Green Acre, ME.

It was such a wonderful atmosphere as aways! There's always time to work on your own projects and to learn new skills with hands-on arts workshops led by Jeannie Hunt and talks by wonderful speakers that share not only spiritual insights based on the Baha'i writings but also information on the arts and pursuing your particular calling as an artist. There's also plenty of opportunities to network with other artists and share ideas. This years conference will be held from August 23rd to August 28th at Green Acre Baha'i School in Eliot, ME For more information got to:

My thank you cards are available at my etsy shop!

I also want to let everyone know that My husband Larry and I are making our music available on line. You can download a collection of children's songs that we wrote, sang and recorded ourselves sometime ago. It's called "Children, Children!" Check it out!


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